Activate your Interdimensional Human.

What is a Quantum Soul? What does it mean to live as an Interdimensional Human? 

Join my 12-month Mentoring Group and have these questions answered.

Starts Sunday, 12th January 2025.

My Soul Is Ready

Quantum Soul is more than personal development.


My aim and privilege is to assist your understanding of complex spiritual matters by presenting Grounded and Practical information that normalises the Practice of Living as a Quantum Being.

By the end of the year, you will have a deep understanding and attunement to the Nine Dimensions of Reality. With your Dimensional awareness embodied, your Quantum Soul will take his/her rightful place in your body by Divine Design.

* Acceleration by slowing down.
* Impulse Living vs Conditioned Programming.
* Where you are currently operating from (which dimension).
* Familial and Genetic influences over your Choices.

This Group will be connected via Zoom and include 12 Live Group Gatherings
Starting on the Full Moon on Sunday, 12th January 2024

"The soul is sacred, your evolution is expected..."

Quantum Soul is for you if...

  • You're feeling it's time for an upgrade (to fully connect to what's true for you)
  • You already resonate with the content in the Gratitude Diary
  • You may feel you're in the wrong job or in a relationship in which you're making severe compromises
  • You distract yourself from asking deeper questions, through the overuse of social media, rushing and other escapes, or through alcohol and/or other substances
  • Your inner critic / negative self talk is loud and you may have body issues e.g. excess weight
  • You're challenged to manage your own energy e.g. tired all the time, or running on adrenalin
  • You are ready to progress your soul
  • You know it's time to activate your divine blueprint and raise your frequency
  • You commit to taking radical self responsibility for your own souls growth
  • You're ready to experience unity consciousness
  • You would like to activate your personal divine mission on Earth


My Soul is Ready!


Last year I intuitively joined up for the Archaeology of the Soul course and I have not been disappointed. We are now half way through and we've done a deep dive into so many things I never expected...human design, astrology, challenging beliefs, much learning and community! The group is a unique container of amazing people. Our last get-together has resulted in us setting group intentions that are life changing for us and for others. If you are reading this you are destined to be involved. Your higher Self will thank you - jump in!


Why Should I Progress My Soul?

What You Will Get

Monthly Group Calls

Every Full Moon, we will gather live online for a two-hour soul process and ritual.  All calls will be recorded and sent to you personally.

2 x 1:1 Soul Alignment Session

This one-on-one session explores any familial inherited conditioning. Hidden patterns become conscious, via Zoom.

2025 Gratitude Diary & Calendar plus Online Fillable PDF

Shipped to wherever you are in the world. 

Why Work With Me?

Meet Melanie Spears

There is, and always has been an emotionally intelligent, human operating system available to all souls. You only need to download it…

However, before you embrace this new operating system, you will need to delete the old one.

All souls have been graced with the precious gift of free will. With this divine endowment, we possess the power to recognize and amplify what is good and thriving. The unique skills and talents we bear. Additionally, we are empowered to create boundaries and halt that which no longer serves us.

Together we will identify and explore your desires. Your soul already knows what it has come here to do.

It’s a matter of aligning to that which is already written.

  • I help get to the ROOT CAUSE of your blocks FAST
  • I have researched and documented my own soul progression, and that of many others, creating GREAT CONTENT for you based on experience, not theory
  • It’s my SOULS MISSION to educate you about your own soul progression
  • I have progressed my soul to a place of understanding, therefore can hold you in safe and expansive space while you UNRAVEL and REBUILD
  • I’m not afraid of your mess, in fact I see that at the MOST BEAUTIFUL part of you!
  • I’m FUN and a little bit edgy 


"Before I met Melanie, I never really gave my emotions much attention or respect. I treated them as a part of me that needed to be 'managed', usually controlling them or overriding them. Mel's work has completely turned that old way of thinking on its head. She has taught me how to LOVE and ACCEPT all of my emotions and see them as gifts - my personalised gateways to deeper FREEDOM and HAPPINESS. Thank you so much Mel for your wonderful teachings!"


The 12 Live Gathering calls are held in alignment with the 2025 Full Moons.

Your Investment


$245/mo x 3

Cash flow friendly payment plan!

  • 12 x monthly live gatherings, aligned with the Full Moon.
  • Two private 1:1 Soul-Alignment session with Melanie.
  • 2025 Gratitude Diary & Moon Calendar, plus Online Fillable PDF.
  • An online portal containing all recorded sessions and other supporting resources - LIFETIME ACCESS.
Yes Please!


$666 AUD

Biggest Savings!

  • 12 x monthly live gatherings, aligned with the Full Moon.
  • Two private 1:1 Soul-Alignment session with Melanie.
  • 2025 Gratitude Diary & Moon Calendar, plus Online Fillable PDF.
  • An online portal containing all recorded sessions and other supporting resources - LIFETIME ACCESS. 
Yes Please!

What Students Have To Say


 'I went to Mel, not knowing what I was getting myself in for. What came from the sessions was an opportunity to examine my relationships with my son, family and me, and my unhealthy relationships with food. Mel supported me to learn more about myself, my body, my mind, spirit, soul and emotions. I  awoke to a new way to relate with my son and husband - and food, creating healthy boundaries rather than having no boundaries.Thank you Mel, I am truly grateful.'


"Melanie is a true emotional archeologist and healer. She's the best I’ve come across for quickly getting to the root cause of emotional blocks and holding space for you to release them. Every session I have with her results in a greater sense of lightness, freedom... and soul evolution! "


Frequently Asked Questions